With the great success of our Community Streamer Program, we’re proud to announce our newest batch of Community Streamers! You can recognize them by this shiny new badge on their twitch profile.
As with our other Community Streamers, you will find these streamers being hosted regularly by us from now on. This is our way of trying to stimulate the Heroes community and helping out the streamers in our own backyard. So without further ado, let’s give the word to our Community Streamers to introduce themselves:
Griefings, fellow sloths! I'm noznaree, a guy from Ireland who's been helping to anchor his various teams' MMRs since season one of Heroes Lounge. On my stream you'll find me playing Team League, scrims or Lounge matches in HotS, pushing for legend in Hearthstone or getting my ass handed to me in Battle Royale games! Feel free to drop in and say hi, listen to some great tunes and spam NozLikeThis when I inevitably make a huge mistake every few minutes!
Hello! My name is Penelope! I have been a lover of PC and console games my whole life and played many different types of games. The last couple of years my main game has been Heroes of the Storm. :heart: I do however still spend some time in World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, PUBG, CS GO and whatever other game, I find the time to play. In my channel you can expect a lot of TL play with various Heroes Lounge community members, a ton of weird and random banter and most likely a lot of losing (and winning! Let's aim for the winning!). I strive to always keep a positive atmosphere, also when the matches go downhill
Hi, I'm Rozmex, 20 years old from Czech Republic. I started playing HotS in Technical alpha but in beta i took break till end of 2015, from that time i'm trying to get as high as possible on ladder and in competitive. I have won heroes lounge two times in season 3 with my team czech team :thinking: and in season 5 with Gorge Good Ult, i have also played for National Czech team in Nexus games. I usually stream high master/GM hero league where i'm focusing on improving myself in new role Ranged carry, 5v5 customs or team league with lounge people. You can ask me anything about HOTS and ill try to answer. Im also creating builds and first impression blogs on HeroesHearth
Interested in joining our community of streamers and rocking that shiny Community Streamer button? You should be streaming Heroes of the Storm content on a regular basis. As our Heroes Community official language is English, we expect you to stream primarily in English. We also like to promote positive streaming channels, so having low toxicity levels is preferred! Feel free to contact TinyOwl or Astraeus on our Discord for joining our Community Streamers group and additional information.