Heroes Lounge Hall of Fame NA

Here we recognise the teams who have won the Heroes Lounge end of season playoffs.

Season 1

Epic Cup

Bad by Design

Althyne Pray Selem Lethendra CptCrowley

Legendary Cup

Luxorian Sun

LUXBayST8 Sw00pster haZeakaone FatalRampage lexotulan Gravecrawler

Mythic Championship

Celeb Gamingz

BxAEvasion CTVMet Satat Sylptachi CTVhuntercjr

Season 2

Epic Cup


dyl Kingbee ChessieCat Sneakycc416 krogdon

Legendary Cup

Phi Mu Rho Gaming

silveripper JoeCool eNvy IJustFizzed Aeko

Mythic Championship

Question Mark

IcePudding WearyDay NoGoHobo withboba Ctzrcks

Season 3

Epic Cup

Deep Fried Pizzas

corndog Efadrael ProShock JasLlo Svemlo

Legendary Cup


FAAS trokis RodrigoFarii GianRT fusroyay

Mythic Championship

Percival Power Party

Starcaller Chaotik Zeenarus Kelsier WhoDoYoThink

Season 4

Epic Cup

I like my bread boiled not fried

WexAndywn Gold4tune mexicanhanu Venser MundaneZebra Dracomalcom

Legendary Cup

Small Potatoes

Shenmeister xcerted Tonephone Chimpy Lechemarvoulz

Mythic Championship

We Take These

Rogerr Tremor Zeenarus Kelsier DudeAbides Infrared

Season 5

Epic Cup

Los Popochas Team

LPTancient LPTtiomay LPTconrroy LPTVashj fergal88 MarnicX BossMamba

Legendary Cup

I like my bread boiled not fried

WexAndywn Gold4tune mexicanhanu Venser MundaneZebra Dubi1245

Mythic Championship


littlebecks JTR Mightnighthaze Virtuoso FatalRampage huntercj1476

Season 6

Epic Cup

Almighty Baby Yoda

ElRatonVaquero GODMaven Guars Dracarys HyaTroX HULK Carlos

Legendary Cup

Amateur Opponents

DerShaneTrain BeautHoliday CactusHam Sonixbro33 eday15 wiiji

Mythic Championship

Heavy Impact

MasonBlaze Rogerr Infrared zeenarus Tremor