Signup guide for ARAM League 

The Heroes Lounge ARAM league is here for if you are looking to get your competitive Heroes of the Storm fix between seasons, or you just have a passion for competitive ARAM.

There are several ways to participate in the Heroes Lounge ARAM League covered in this guide:

First off, this guide assumes you have already created an active account on Heroes Lounge, if you haven't, please check out our handy Amateur Series Signup guide and follow the steps for creating a new account. You have the option of joining with you existing team of which you are captain, or creating a whole new team for the ARAM Tournament.

Simply click on the "Event"s tab to find the correct ARAM tournament for you!

Signing up as an existing team

Signing up on your current team couldn't be easier! All you need to do once on the tournament page is click the "Sign up with your team" button, making sure you have the correct team selected above.

Once you have done the above, you will see either your team or your account name listed under the respective listing. Then simply check out the schedule to find out when your opponents will be assigned.

Signing up as a free agent

If you want to sign up as a free agent and be placed into a team by Heroes Lounge you can click the "Sign up as a free agent!" button instead! 

Once signed up as a free agent, you will be listed under the "Free Agents" tab on the league participation page.

Making a new team

Even if you are already on an existing Amateur Series team, you can still make a new team for the ARAM tournament. This could be helpful if not all of your current team wants to participate in the ARAM League. All you need to do is press the "create a new team" link on the tournament page, then you will be able to add people as wanted to your team. For full details on how to add people to your team, please check out our Amateur Series Guide for creating a new team. Don't worry if you can't get 5 players, Heroes Lounge will top your team up for you so you have enough to play!

No matter how you decide to participate, we here at Heroes Lounge are excited for you to be here and hope you enjoy your games. If you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to actively use the Discord to ask in one of the existing channels or create a ticket in the #support_desk channel.