Nov 10, 2017 Arquine Amateur League EU Inside Lounge Interview

This edition of Inside Lounge will introduce you to a team known for griefs; combining the legacy clowning powers of Agents007, James Baker, they are joined by number 1 griefer Rozmex whilst toxic fruit Mango tries to keep their griefs in check.

Need For Feed, shall we get introductions on the way?

‘’I never feed’’ - Froge 

Ravatar, 20 year old, ranged assassin and the Resident Slug, convicted to a lifetime of servitude in Valla prison, actor/graphic designer during his ‘free time’, a renowned Finnish feeder and the founder of the team. 

F stands for Feeding, which he does a lot
R stands for Running it down, which is his favourite call
O stands for ‘’Oh my god’’ which is the general reaction his adventures generate
G stands for Grief, which is the essence of his playstyle
E is for Engage. Always for Engage. 

Mango is the toxic fruit and the kennel-master of the feeder family. She joined the team in middle of the last season, unaware of what she would face in the team. 

BreadBucket, pronounced bredbuˈkeɪ - a 22 year old, melee flex, Essex boy. Often found, during the day, successfully advertising for a games company and during the evening, failing to advertise himself as half decent at video games. Likes pandas, flying bears and happy hour. 

Rozmex, 19 year old, ranged flex, stealer of everyone’s main, top feeder in scrims, cancer drafter, Czech player in Nexus Games, winner of season 3 lounge with my old team :thinking:.

Tell us a bit about the Origin story for this team

The team was founded at the start of the lounge season 4 by Ravatar in his search of a memeful team. The whole point of the team was to have fun in the heroes lounge while executing some fun strategies, but our team was plagued by a 4 man roster. Throghout the season many people joined the team, and left. Some were kicked out and some quite the game completely and right now team only has 2 original members (Ravatar, Froge). Rozmex was our jebaited captain who joined the team under the premise ‘’just sub this one game’’. Mango found our convincing LFP announcement and joined the lot at around the same time Rozmex joined. After our games were finished for the season that we made it through with only 4 members and altering subs, BreadBucket from Ravatar’s old team (James Baker ™) was successfully poached as the final member completing the roster.

Congratulations on finally having a full 5 man roster. What has the impact of both Rozmex and BreadBucket have to your team?

Rozmex joined our team in middle of the lounge season, getting jebaited from the ‘’subbing just this once’’ from getting demoted to permanent captain and shotcaller position due to the former captain and shotcaller’s slothlike habits.

Despite his awesome mechanical skills, BreadBucket’s influence is lessened every day by Blizzards supreme wrath and furious anger towards all furry black and white animals. And Xul. And Illidan. Basically, he has been reduced to the Sonya and space dino prison. Overall his influence on the team has been hugely positive, giving us some balance between the constant feeding and destroying enemy cores.

How would you describe the playstyle of your team?

Ravatar: As far as it stands, without revealing too many dark secrets: Our team has two basic gameplay strategies: Cancerous or Grief. In other words, just as everyone else, we are victims of the double-support-tassadar-brokeback-meta but we do love our own flavor with certain specialities in drafts. In game we (especially Rzmx and Froge) have a tendency to INT on cooldown but our picks usually justify it and turn it to our advantage. Quoting our mastermind tank player ‘’Health is a resource to be used….on cooldown’’.

Jokes aside, we love to see the enemy team falling down fast and embrace the supremest of SMOrc in our play when we are on the mood. Also dishonourable sololanes and ganks are close to our hearts.

Rumour has it that a member of your team is so good at the game she doesn’t play with a mouse. What’s the story?

When Mango realised that the team was full of griefers, she decided she needed advanced griefing technologies to stay relevant in the team. Therefore she decided that she was going to play with a pencil (instead of using a mouse like a normal humanoid-adjacent person). However, this was determined to be too grief even for our standards, and as a result she has been sentenced to the kennel until such a time when she is deemed to be reformed.

What is your opinion of the current meta?

Ravatar: Does anyone really like Tassadar? I don’t like Tassadar. Unless I want axe. Then I like Tassadar. 

Rozmex: Banning tass every game is fun jk. 

Froge: The meta feels like no heroes are actually mandatory firstpicks or firstbans, but you’re more trying to choke out “annoying” strategies you don’t want to deal with. There are some staple strategies you can always draft, but at the same time drafting feels like it’s the hardest it has ever been. There are a lot of things that are close to viable or slightly weaker than the meta picks in most scenarios but with strong niches that can be exploited. Also surprised by the lack of splash made by Ana, but she seems to have been countered by strong dive heroes, at least in Blizzcon.

What are your goals for this season, and where do you feel you’ll end up in standings?

Ravatar: Defeat Don our Fedoras in the Heroes Lounge playoff finals 

Rozmex: Getting into playoffs, and then finishing around 5-8 place.

Why is Mango toxic?

Mango’s toxicity derives from her ancient salt-infused bloodline that reaches all the way to the lord of the saltmines. Her toxicity in Lounge has remained unmatched throughout the seasons, and shows of her brutality are covered all over the saltmines where she has been found trashing innocent hero league players talents builds on her beloved Uther and Rehgar. 

The backstory of her downfall to the salt is seemingly rather innocent: She had her favourite support (obviously Rehgar) stolen on a regular basis by the rest of the trolls in Need for Feed. Pick by pick, day by day, the bitterness grew in her until she was known as the most toxic fruit in all of Heroes Lounge,

Who is the prime feeder of the team?

Our team keeps up a feed record, where all dirty deeds and sins are marked upon. To general surprise and huge upset to the community, Froge has only taken the second place. The very king feeder at the moment is the grief-captain himself, Rozmex. The last place is tied between Bread and Ravatar. 

Rozmex: Side Note - Rava is cheating by playing Abathur and being hyper carry in double support comps. Also I have played trait value Uther dans. 

BreadBucket: Side Note 2 - Our resident Abathur dies as much as our melee assassin and bruiser player. monkaS 

Ravatar: Side note 3 - My team members are known spreaders of fake news and should not be taken seriously.

Any shoutouts / plugs?

       Shoutouts to the lord of the saltmines, our memes will reign supreme next season.
       Shoutouts to Don our Fedoras, see you in the finals
       Shoutouts to Petman’s left elbow, for forcing us find another damn sub due to the fruit abuse
       Shoutouts to Tassadar bot, for carrying us in the S4 playoffs.
       Shoutouts to Bayaz for being an amazing caster and a sub. 

BreadBucket: Shoutout to former Bakers: Maja, Cosmo and Bear… and Alchemy as well, I guess. Miss you guys! <3

That wraps out our interview with Need For Feed! Thank you for the interview, I hope you guys (and gal) enjoyed it as much as I have.

As always if you have any feedback, suggestions, interview requests, or would just like to tell me how awesome the interviews are, you can always find me on discord. Any other kind of feedback, suggestion and criticism can always be directed at us through our Discord, or via Twitter or Facebook. Don’t be shy to come say hi, and meme with us.


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