Jan 29, 2020 Mekaku Amateur League EU Weekly Recap

Greetings, it's once again time for another match report. This time we head to division 3 more precisely round 5 between BioParco and Dingsitas. Can the friendly looking BioParco beat the scary pro looking team Dingsitas?

Match link: https://heroeslounge.gg/match/view/8474

Previous standings

BioParco is a newly created team this season that consist of new players to Heroes Lounge as well as two members with experience from division 1 . The team didn't open the season well with two 1-2 losses against Triggered Newbies and housoffail. considering both those teams as of writing this match report are both in the top 3, BioParco may be stronger than they appear in the standings. Continuing on BioParco got away with a BYE in round 3, before they got their first official win last round 2-0 against FAT Wii.
Paying a former HGC team homage with their name, Dingsitas are now in their third season in Heroes Lounge. Their season opened with a 2-0 win against APOCA JUNIORS. Now however, they are heading into this game with three straight losses against Team Simple Geography, Triggered Newbies and FAT N64


The match ended in a close 2-1 win to BioParco over Dingsitas. The match started on Volskaya Foundry were the first two Protectors went over to Dingsitas and the third to BioParco, but after all that was said and done no keep had been taken so far by either team. A last deciding fight over the fourth Protector happened and BioParco managed to win it and game 1 with it. In game 2 on Infernal Shrines, Dingsitas had the control the whole time securing them self each objective. Then ending the game after winning a teamfight with level 20 talents over their opponent.
The teams were neck on neck up to level 13 on Battlefield of Eternity in game 3, until BioParco began to build them self an advantage over their opponent. Thinks looked even greater when under the fight over the fourth Immortal, BioParco killed all 5 of Dingsitas heroes while only losing 3 of theirs. The two remaining heroes Valla and Mal'ganis tried to end the game by themselves instead of securing the Immortal, but they just ended up wasting so much time however that the enemy team respawned. From there thinks got chaotic and a lot of skirmishes ensued. But in the end BioParco managed with some luck to secure the fourth Immortal and end the game and the match with it.


Kaengaroo impressed me enough with his last two games as the healer to get the MVP despite being on the losing team Dingsitas. In game 1 kaengaroo struggled mostly just to land his silence Twilight Dream on the opposing team as they had Garrosh to interrupt or catch him if he got close. Second game, however he was much more impactful when he was on Ana. He hit her heals and sleeps well, but even more impressive were the several instances he canceled Lucio's amp it up with healing grenade when Lucio wanted to heal with it the most. Last game kaengaroo as Anduin kept his team in the game much longer than they otherwise would been, with great Leap of Faiths that saved his ally every time. The opponent's tank Mal'ganis was also kept heavily in check by how Kaengroo utilized Anduin. Every time Mal'ganis tried to engage on Dingsitas team with his Q stun or E sleep, Anduin would stop his engage with a root. Making Mal'ganis not be such a nuisance to his team, as well as preventing some awkward fights from happening for his team.  

Play of the game

In this fight BioParco was focusing the Malthael and Johanna caught in the Mosh pit from ETC. Then Thrall with a great Sundering and Ana with the sleep on ETC, turned around the teamfight making Dingsitas the one who came out on top of it.


Here other moments from the match will be shown, those can be great plays, misplays or anything in between. 

This moment was maybe not impactful overall in the game, but damn was it satisfying to watch. After the Punisher on Dingsitas side died the fort targeted Thrall, making him exposed to get engaged by the opponent. Then kaengaroo on Ana hits a 3 men sleep,  that makes Thrall escape the situation easily.

Here Johanna together with her team punishes the two players inside the Protector for being to careless when the health of the Protector is about to drop to zero.


I meet up with Buda and Yubes from BioParco after the game for a quick chat.

Your team lost the first two games of the season, before you now have swung back with 3 wins in a row. Granted, one of them was a BYE. How does it feel?

Buda: Yeah, we actually have changed our roles. The first two matches we had different roles and we didn’t really understand what was going wrong. And we tried a couple of stuff and we ended up pretty much switching our tank, where I moved to the tank position. I think overall the first two teams were maybe a little bit more coordinated than us. That’s why we lost the first two matches. Now we aren’t perfect to be sure, but we have improved our coordination.

Most of you are new, but I see some of you are from a previous team in div 1 in season 9.

Buda: We have played together for like a couple of years and Yubes is the last one joining our team. We know each other in real life, where we just play the game, but we didn’t really play professionally until now. We don’t train or anything special, we just play for fun. We just want the opportunity to play a tournament against other good players and that’s it.

Thing got a bit chaotic in the last game when the two remaining survivors tried to go for core. Unfortunately you guys could not even get the shield down and forewent a free Immortal. Tell me what was going on at that moment.

Yubes: That was my bad call for going core there, we only had one DPS on the core and that was Valla (at 10 % health). Then we returned to Immortal to race faster and we were very lucky because they didn’t defend well. And Valla stole the last 1000 HP and we won for that reason.

Buda: There was like a frenzy going on in our comms.

Is there one thing your teammates do that annoy you?

Buda: Hehe, they yell quite a lot. There is a lot of chaos sometimes and people start screaming like “Yeah, kill this guy, no this guy, no this guy”, yeah it’s a bit chaotic I think.

Yubes: We didn’t have a shot caller, everyone was shot caller.

Buda: Yeah, we really need to improve our shot calling. That’s the biggest problem I think, our weakness, I guess.

As a new team to Heroes Lounge and being in division 3, do your team have a goal or expectation for this season?

Buda: I mean we don’t really have a goal right now, I think we can maybe be top 6. It really depends if we will improve our coordination. Yeah, I would say our goal is top 6 if I had to set one.

Thank you for your time, anything you would like to add before the interview ends?

Buda: Actually no. I think we are really tired cause all 3 games went really long. Some of us got really stressed out as well. So I think that’s it for me.

That's all for today, many thanks to Buda and Yubes for the interview despite being exhausted from the long match. 

If you have any ideas for things to add or change on the article, don't hesitate to contact me on Discord.

Written by Mekaku

Heroes Lounge Content Creator, Member of EU Division 4 team Munchies.


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