Sep 03, 2017 Arquine Tech News

"Oh damn, I forgot to take a screenshot of the draft again!"
                 -- every captain in Heroes Lounge, probably

No more screenshots!

Hello folks! We've got some good news for you (especially captains). Thanks to the hard work and effort made by our web development team, you no longer have to upload screenshots as part of your match report ritual! We now display the bans and picks, plus the players playing the heroes. What's more, we also display the team who has first pick!

go here to schedule a match
Awesome Website Drafts!

This screen is accessible via the view match link, replacing the traditional screenshots. The names are highlighted, which allow you to click through them to specific players as well. We've also introduced links to player hotslogs to enable easier scouting. 


The second new feature on the website, you can now toggle and see the statistics for the uploaded replays. As an initial pass, we now display basic statistics like game time, team and personal KDA, various damage statistics, healing and damage taken (where available) and experience.

go here to schedule a match
Game statistics. Team Baguette showing double support isn't the only viable comp

You can see these statistics via the Toggle Statistics button in from the earlier figure. Stay tuned though, as the team will are looking at continuous improvements to this feature.

Coming Soon!

Upcoming features:

  • Filter statistics for:
    1. Teams
    2. Players
    3. Heroes
  • API
  • UI improvements to be for mobile consumption

The gift keeps on giving! Coming soon in the foreseeable future you will soon be able to filter statistics for teams, players and heroes. All of these statistics will soon also be available on our Heroes Lounge API as well. We're aware that the current screen isn't optimum for mobile, but we felt this was a heavily requested feature and we'd like to get it out as soon as possible.

If you'd like to see more of these statistics, or any ideas how you'd like the format presented, please do not hesitate to raise a request by creating an issue via GitHub or post in #website_support on our discord. We are also hiring more web developers should you be interested in helping out (or learn!). You can apply by contacting Rikki on discord.


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