
Forewords and Thanks

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This is a "TransparentTV" event, and is hosted on the Heroes Lounge website and discord, but not organised by Heroes Lounge.  

This ruleset has a lot of adaptations from other tournament rulesets, so thanks to CrossAlbeo and HeroesLounge for their work on their rulesets. 

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Behaviour and Conduct.

We expect all participants to treat every player or staff member with a high level of respect both ingame and out of game during the tournament. If staff think a player is being disrespectful, punishments can range from qualifying points being removed from a team, to disqualification in this event, and future events. 

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Main contacts

The Main Contact for this event is Transparent#8254 on discord, or @MrTransparentTV on Twitter.

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There is no cash prize for this tournament.

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Map Pool

    The following map is the map pool for the selected dates:

- February 5th: Cursed Hollow - Bracket

- March 5th:  Towers of Doom! - Bracket

- April 2nd:  Tomb of the Spiderqueen - Sign up now!

Use the bot on the discord to determine first pick

For Bo1 and Bo3, there will be 2 maps banned per team.

A game is over when and only when a core health is reduced to 0.


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This event is purely a one day event.

Sign ups close 18:45 CET

First match starts 19:00 CET

The Format is double elimination.

The maximum number of teams to play is 16. Places are given on a first come first serve basis.

All matches are Best of 1, including the Grand Final which is Best of 3.
If the Grand Final cannot start before 21:30 CET, the Grand Final will be a Best of 1.

The team entering the Grand Final without a loss will have choice of First Pick or Second Pick.


Team rules


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The Master of Maps is a worldwide tournament. A team's roster is composed of 5 up to 9 players. Players cannot be part of multiple teams.

All matches will be played on EU servers except if both teams agree on playing on a different server.

A team must designate one captain, who will be the only point of contact responsible for communications. This captain is not required to be an eligible participant but can’t be part of multiple teams.

Master of Maps’ staff reserves the right to refuse any player.

A team should be created using the Heroes Lounge website. 

Roster change

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A team can only have nine (9) active players at once.

During the day, team can have up to two additional players per map. if an emergency arrives and they need a sub playing.

We encourage teams to play with as much of the same roster throughout the event. However this is not a requirement.

Team and player name

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Team and player names must be approved by Master of Maps staff. The staff reserve the right to ask players to change team or player names. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of play.

Registration on Heroes Lounge

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Team captain must create a Heroes Lounge account and give all information necessary to register (Captain’s Blizzard ID and Discord ID). 


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Team captains must join the Heroes Lounge Discord where they can be easily contacted: . They will be required to use the discord to draft the maps.

Discord can be used as a website app or a standalone software-

Cheats, bugs and streaming

Bugs and banned cosmetics

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The tournament will follow Heroes lounge banned bugs and cosmetics list, which can be found at

Master of Maps’ staff may override some of those rules.


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Pauses may only be started for technical difficulties.

The time pool for pauses per map is 10 minutes, after which the game will resume.

Bugs & Exploit 

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Teams participating in Master of Maps are prohibited from using known bugs or exploits, doing so will result in the loss of the match and continued abuse will result in expulsion from the tournament.

Feedback from the teams will be respected and will be used to uphold competitive integrity.

Bugs or exploits not shown on the ban list can still be declared known by the Master of Maps’ staff. Use of said bugs or exploits to create unfair matches will be followed with disciplinary action.


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Any form of cheating will not be tolerated, and punishment will be at the discretion of Master of Maps’ staff, this includes collusion, match fixing, attempts to interfere with other teams connection, tampering with the operation of the tournament, account sharing and other forms of cheating.


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A team will be considered tardy, if the team has not assembled 5 minutes after the agreed upon time. The team will receive a warning. 

A team that is tardy for 10 minutes forfeits a match. 

A maximum break of 5 minutes between maps is allowed before a team becomes tardy. 

A maximum break of 10 minutes between rounds is allowed before a team becomes tardy.


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Teams must keep replays up to 15 days after the matches. Replays should be uploaded to the Heroes Lounge website after each game. See the captain's guide for how to do this.

Master of Maps’ staff may ask teams to provide replay.

Observer and streaming

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Players can stream their PoV.
Casters can freely join the lobbies if there is a free spot. If no spots are available, higher viewer caster are prioritised, with the highest priority going to TransparentTV and/or co-casters.

Everyone must use a 20s delay.